Add pirated DLC’s to your legal The Sims 4 Game for free (Windows only)

Pack System: Add pirated DLC’s to your legal The Sims 4 Game for free
+ full access to the Gallery + always automatically the latest version.

Again thanks to Anadius


With (almost) every update some mods become outdated and can create problems with your game.
EA/Electronic Arts cannot know which memory addresses are being used by modders so consequently such addresses can be overwritten by updates.

The Sims 4 with all DLC’s for free for Windows

What do you need ?

  1. The free legal base game via the EA app
  2. A small file to locate your legal The Sims 4 folder
  3. The Anadius Updater
  4. The Anadius Unlocker

When you have successfully performed the above steps, you have a fully updated legal game with all DLC’s and access to the gallery.

When there is a new update all you have to do is play your legal game, the game will be updated automatically, however when there are new DLC’s you must download these manually either via the Anadius Updater or from this page

(1) The free legal base game

You don’t have a registration with Electronic Arts

  1. Download the EA app HERE
  2. Click on Create Account
  3. Confirm country/region
  4. Fill out your Date of Birth
  5. Enter your email address (must be a valid one)
  6. Enter name (nickname)
  7. Enter a password
  8. Click Next
  9. Enter the code you received by email on the address you entered by 5 above.

You only have a cracked version of The Sims 4

  1. In your present cracked game, change the name of the folder Game to Game-cracked
  2. In the EA app navigate to the folder of your present cracked game
  3. In the path to your cracked game, do not add The Sims 4.
    (Example: your game is in D:\Program Files x86\The Sims 4, navigate to D:\Program Files x86)
  4. Download the legal free base game (Repair)

You now have a legal game + cracked DLC’s (if any)

(2) Locate your legal file

When you don’t know in what folder your legal file is ?
Locate your folder for the legal game by downloading this small file and double-click

(3) The Anadius Updater to add missing DLC’s

  1. Download the Anadius Updater
  2. Extract with Winrar
  3. Run the Updater by clicking Sims-4-Updater
  4. Browse to your legal folder (don’t open it, just select it)
  5. The Updater will show you the missing DLC’s
  6. Select the DLC’s (if any)
  7. When prompted about your legal folder click Yes
  8. Click Update



Do not use any other system to update as such systems will overwrite your Legal Game folder and you will lose access to the Gallery and render your The Sims 4 as cracked.

(4) The Anadius Unlocker V2

  1. Download the EA DLC Unlocker v2.
  2. Extract with Winrar
  3. Right-click on Setup and run it
  4. As this is a small .bat file you can’t use the mouse
  5. Type 1 after Choose option Number
  6. When that is done, type 2
  7. Type 19 for the Sims 4 (this can change in newer versions, so check the number for the Sims 4)
  8. Type Q to exit

Other methods for adding DLC’s in case you have problems with the Updater: Suitable for Windows and Mac

Direct Downloads (selectable)
  1. Download the requested DLC’s  in .iso format from this site
  2. Mount the downloaded DLC (When you don’t know how, read this page)
  3. Copy the DLC folder from the mounted iso to the installation folder of the Sims 4
  4. Run the Unlocker






You lost all DLC’s – when you switched from Origin to the EA app. or from EA app to Origin

  1. Download the latest EA DLC Unlocker and extract with Winrar
  2. Click on Setup
  3. Type 5 [enter] to uninstall the old settings (When you get an error, try again)
  4. Type 1 [enter]
  5. Type 2 [enter]
  6. Type 19 [enter]
  7. Type q [enter]


Easy way to check your installed packs

Some people complain about “not installed packs”.
There is a simple way to check this:

  1. Move, not copy,  the folder C:\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4 to your Desktop
  2. Run your game and you’ll see a welcome screen for each and every package installed
  3. When you only see your legally bought packs, Close your game, make sure you copied the cracked packs to the root of your legal folder and re-run the EA DLC Unlocker.
  4. Start your game again
  5. When you’ve seen all welcome screens, you know that your selected packs are included in your game.
  6. From the file on your desktop (item 1 above) copy the folder The Sims 4 back to C:\Documents\Electronic Arts

Simple way of installing all 18 languages in one go

Please bear in mind that when you installed the game via Origin or the EA app, only 1 language is available, meaning that when you installed in English you cannot change to f.e. Norwegian.
In such cases, you should re-install the game in Norwegian in Origin/EA app.
Also, downloads from many other sources are often in 1 language only (such as English or Spanish)
Don’t re-install the game, however, but:
Download the Language Strings, extract with Winrar and copy all folders to your installation folder or simply use the Anadius Updater

When you have all languages installed, download the Language Changer, double-click and select your language.
In our downloads, all languages are already installed.
You can activate the Language-changer from anywhere on your computer, no specific folder required.

Views: 2798533

601 thoughts on “Add pirated DLC’s to your legal The Sims 4 Game for free (Windows only)

  1. Hey there, need some help, when I installed everything it takes like almost 200Gb on my computer. Is this normal ? What files can I delete without losing everything ?

    1. The DLC downloader will download, extract, and copy the files to your game location if set correctly. Afterward, you can delete everything downloaded from this website ( obv. not from your Sims 4 installation folder). My Sims 4 installation, including all DLC, is about 63.7 GB, though this may vary if you have sine mods installed already

    2. If it takes about 200gb I think there seems to be a problem and at that point I would not worry about losing everything. Your saved game, progress should be just fine if you uinstall the game and download everything from scratch if you’re worried about that

  2. Can someone please help me? I followed all the steps but when I opened the game only 4 DLCs were installed. I have also tried moving the sims 4 folder to my desktop and back a few times. The game says something like “your packs are being downloaded press Shift + F1 to see progress”? I think this might have something to do with the fact that I already had 2 installed DLCs but I don’t know how to remove those. Pleaaase help me!??

    1. Hi,

      If you’re seeing that message, it likely means you haven’t provided the correct location for the Sims 4 updater to download, extract, and copy the files.

      It seems you’ve successfully installed the EA DLC unlocker ✅, but may have made a mistake when using the Sims 4 updater.

      You should select your game installation folder, such as C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Sims 4, and then let the updater automatically handle the rest ^_^

  3. Does anyone know which dlc on here is broken? I think some I downloaded are bc everytime i try to play my household it just sends me back to manage worlds.

    I also left tis comment on the contact page

  4. Hi, it doesn’t work anymore for me.
    EA wants control of my computer to be able to play… guess they have found me as an illegal gamer ? Or is it the same for everyone?

    1. Same here, I thought my game was broken because my sims don’t move. I uninstalled the unlocker and it starting to work fine. I lost half of the DLCs haha

      1. i had the same problem and i downloaded the dlc’s not from go file but from his cs rin ru forum and now it works fine

  5. The last expansion, EP 16, doesn’t work. Infinite charges screen appear, I know for sure that it is the expansion because I have removed it and the game works perfectly. So there must be some fault.

    1. same thing is happening for me in terms of the game not working, followed all the steps and still it says download to use…

  6. does anyone know how to fix my issue? i’ll tell sims to brush their teeth for example but they’ll stay in one place & brush their teeth from wherever they’re at. (i’ve disabled laundry day but that did not fix it).

      1. Just want to update that run the updater @lola to ensure that it can repair or add any missing files then run the unlocker. I managed to rectify my unplayable issue. Hope this helps x

  7. Hello, the installer gives me problems since I cannot play if it is installed, only when I uninstall it can I play the sims, I can access the case and the build mode but I cannot play with the sims in a house while the installers are installed. dlcs, if I uninstall them it works.
    Is there any way to solve it?

    1. i found a solution if you still need it.

      go to this website & follow the instructions on there : (the website is made by anadius so it’s safe to use)

      after it’s finished scanning, delete all the unknown files listed from your folders & your game should start to work as intended (mine did!).

      also a note from anadius, he says that the uploads listed on THIS site are broken & we should avoid downloading from here, so next time download directly from anadius in the cs rin forum.

      hope this helps!

  8. to whoever can help, the updater isn’t downloading any dlcs or packs. it starts downloading then the same pack downloads again and again after hitting a specific mark of download; basically it repeats the download after but after a while it says download error. i have turned off my anti-virus, checked if my pc is blocking the aria.exe and also tried with both vpn off and on. but nothing works. can someone please tell me what i’m doing wrong?

    because i have installed from anadius like 3 times and never faced any such problems. i know that this will work but i don’t know what’s actually the problem.

  9. Hello, I’ve used the unlocker for a long time, but recently after updating the game, I have been experiencing some issues. My sims do not respond to any command, they only stay still and look around. If I try to make them do something, such as sitting down or sleeping, It shows that they’re doing the action but they are standing still and not doing anything. I took out all my mods from my game and repaired it but the problem persisted, so I uninstalled the unlocker and it stopped. I don’t know how to fix it. Has anyone experienced the same problem?

      1. A alguien le funciona bien la expansión 16? Me sigue apareciendo que instale el pack y ya lo tengo en las carpeta del juego

  10. hey! I downloaded the new pack (lovestruck) and everything else works fine except the world wont open. like when i open it it only shows white screen and i cant press any other buttons than gallery, notification wall and options menu. Does anyone else have this problem or does someone have a solution what i could do?

    1. Si! me pasa exactamente lo mismo, yo supongo que debe estar desactualizado el mod. estuve buscando versiones nuevas del mod y no encuentro 🙁

  11. Good morning. When I try to download the Anadius Unlocker all the v2 options are blocked by my antivirus and can’t download them. What do I do?

  12. Hi, i downloaded EP14 and everything works but when i put horses in cas they disappear when i try to play the game! What am i doing wrong?

  13. Trying to use the unlocker but it gives me a fatal error when it opens. It says to enable “UAC” but I have no idea what that even is, much less how to enable it.

  14. Hi, I would love to know when you will upload the download for Sims 4 LOVE, the new expansion?

  15. 3 GPs and a lot of SPs on gofile have viruses. Can anyone share any alternative places to download DLCs?

  16. ive installed the bat file but it doesn’t show up when I try to browse to it from the updater (its there in the windows files app thingy) anyone know how to help?

  17. EA has bricked something on their end. Even people who legit own the DLC packs can’t launch the game right now. The team on this site can’t help fix it, cause the issue is entirely on EA’s side.
    Do not worry, there’s enough people on Steam complaining about it, so hopefully a fix will be implemented soon.

  18. i installed ts3 lately idk if this has smth to do with this but my game wont open it says that i have to install dlc unlocker again after update but i already did plus ea app also wont open

  19. Can someone help me? I followed all the steps using the Anadius unlocker and everything went smoothly, but when I open up the game it says I own all the DLCs but I need to “install” them to use them. The only way to actually install them only works if you buy them 🙁 Does anyone know how to fix this?

    1. I think you need to install them via EA UNLOCKER. Go that that file and scroll all the way down until you find set up, click set up and follow the instructions. i hope this helps.

  20. HI! I downloaded the expansions and installed everything following the guide. The game tells me I have the expansions, but I can’t use them. When I start the game it’s like having the base game and I can’t figure out what’s wrong. Can you help me

  21. Anyone know how to get this working on Mac? Origin auto downloaded EA and it said that’s the new app to use. Problem is the EA unlocked is windows based so I can’t re-unlock the DLCs I had.

  22. My game just doesn’t wanna open up now, It worked for me last time when i updated my drivers and rebooted my pc but i just dont know what to do now.

    1. I redownloaded the game and Anadius but it still stuck on the EA opening page where the orange bar just kept running…

  23. hello, it seems that SP51 iso folder contain trojan Trojan:Script/Sabsik.FL.A!ml and my win11 defender has blocked the iso file.

    Is this false alarm or should i delete the SP51 iso?

  24. SP 50 and 51 says those files are severe viruses. What do I do??? Are they actually malware? Because I don’t want viruses on my computer and hacked!

    1. The file detected says this Trojan:Script/ is a virusss !!! Beware, i think this website might have gotten hacked with the two recent kits that have just came out which is on SP50 and SP51! BEWARE! I don’t know what to do!! Should I reinstall my computer to get rid of it/ make sure its not going to infect anything else? The internet says it infects your device disguised as a legit program.

    2. probably don’t download it till we get an answer from Tarac or other people that it’s safe to download. I got the same message that it’s a virus…

        1. you can install the previous packs I’m pretty sure. I have done it, and my Norton Antivirus didn’t say anything or block it so the other ones are safe:) including the unlocker, just don’t download the SP50 and SP51 right now until we get an answer… but who knows how long that is going to be.

  25. je viens de perdre tout mes pack et dans le setup pour faire les packs le unlocker 2 y’a plus le jeux les sims 4

  26. Hey, Im having some problems with the gallery. Every time I open it there are red X all over the photos and when I try to open them it says ”item is corrupt”. Does anyone know how to fix this?

    1. For all who read this:
      The ORDER for install is as follows:
      #1-Be sure you have EA APP installed for PC or Origin for MAC.
      #2-Install the legal game, ensure it is fully up to date (Steam will tell you)
      otherwise check the game version lower right corner on start screen.
      #3-Install DLC Unlocker V2, follow directions, do not run as admin.
      #4-Install Sims 4 Updater (DLC and Updater links here in forum)
      If you have never done this before read the file CAREFULLY.

  27. I had to install all the dlcs again because they dissapeard , since then my sims won’t move (simulation lag?), when i disable the packs everything works but when i install them again the lag continues. Is there something i can do to fix this?

    1. happened to me months ago, i found that the laundry day pack was broken. try removing that pack and try again

      1. It is my humble opinion that ALL SIMS 4 packs are broken.. lol
        Things do happen for unknown reasons, but I have laundry day pack installed on several computers with no issue other than the Maxis quirks that were never fixed.

    2. Note:
      There are currently over 70 DLC packages available for download. If your PC/MAC/Laptop/Potato computer is not up to the load it will lag because Sims 4 is not well optimized. You should be able to run “EVERYTHING” on a 6th Gen Intel processor with Intel Processor graphics or higher. 6th Gen example is Core i5 6500 with on CPU graphics or better. The EA APP and Steam if you are using that combo should be installed on an SSD drive, not a HDD. (HDD= Hard Disc Drive mechanical type)

      1. Para jugar con las 4 primeras expansiones solamente hasta que versión debe estar actualizado mi juego base?

  28. Hi, I have the legal base and downloaded + unlocked all expansions. However, when I go to play the games, the packs all appear as owned, but the error message reads: Requires the Sins 4 and all game updates see minimum requirements for the pack. The game has no available updates – cheers.

    1. There was a glitch that I am aware of which involves the failure to update a mini patch (express download) through Steam before the DLC were installed. The only way I know how to fix is to start all over again. Remove EA APP, Remove Steam, Reboot then reinstall both EA and Steam if that is your source for the game. Ensure the base game runs by starting it. If any updates are needed they will happen during startup. Exit the game then Install DLC Unlocker V2, then Sims4 Updater in that order, all should be good thereafter.

  29. Hi ive wondered if anyone could help ive done every step ad i have all the dlcs and stuff but it only shows in the offline game and whenever i try going to the online game i don’t have any dlcs its only the base game. also in the game i struggle to select thing like i cannot choose the color of things and i have to move the screen and only then can i actually select it

  30. I´ve been trying to use the updater but every time it says “critical error”. I don´t have the anti-virus connected and I´m using a VPN. I also tried uninstalling the game and trying again but nothing works. Does it have a solution?

  31. I cant get horses in my game, all of the families that are meant to have horses don’t, I cant buy or rescue a horse the interaction just disappears instantly and if i try and add a horse in cas it doesnt let me add traits so i cant add it. Every other pack has worked perfectly fine and everything else in the horse pack has worked perfect (world, furniture etc) but i just cant get horses in my game, not sure whether its the recent updates as im only trying to add a horse after my games updated a couple times but the horses arer the only thing im having issues with

    1. For those who have this issue:
      Missing Maxis generated game content happens, even when legit content is downloaded from EA or Steam. If your game has all legit DLC, contact EA or Steam. If your DLC is from a “generous” source, try running the Sims4 Updater from the “generous” source and use the repair button as opposed to the update button in the Updater console. -or- for example:
      If you are using Sims4 Updater and DLC Unlocker V2 try this…

      ../steam/steamapps/common/sims4/game/ remove horse ranch
      then run the updater with only Horse Ranch checked. You will also need DLC Unlocker V2 if you currently do not use it.

  32. So i installed the dlcs and the unlocker, everything went smoothly. However when trying to boot up the game (both legal and cracked) it tells me I am unable to start the game because data is missing or corrupted and that I should repair or reinstall via origin; only issue is, i am using a steam copy of the game and have the ea app. not origin. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the unlocker, the dlcs, the game, nothing has worked, i even repaired the game via steam and it did nothing. I followed the instructions to a T, and I can’t uninstall the game and reinstall via ea. Did I royally f myself, or is there a way to fix this? i couldn’t find anything about this so I figured i’d ask here.

    1. Hello! I’m just a rando who has been using this uploader in the last 3-4 days and it worked perfectly. Today (02.28.) I encountered an update error naming my game doesn’t match. But I remember reading somewhere, maybe in a readme file, (I haven’t found this info yet again) that EA will release 2 new updates to the game one being on 27th February and an other in March. I suspect my update problem is because of this Anadius said explicitly he will release new patches for the new updates later, and suggests using his DC to contact him/her.

  33. I’m having an issue where once i install the unlocker all the options in the game menu just i guess accumulate at the top and i can’t select anything to start the game but if i remove the unlcoker (meaning no dlc) the options go back to normal.

    1. and just to clarify, by start the game/menu options i mean select “new game” , “play scenario”, opions, etc.

  34. Im sorry I dont know where to post this but Im having a issue with the Unlocker, when trying to run setup i get an error saying

    “Starting the script… V:\EA DLC Unlocker v2\setup.bat”
    out-string : The ‘out-string’ command was found in the module ‘Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility’, but the module could not
    be loaded. For more information, run ‘Import-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility’.
    At line:1 char:134
    + … cess’); iex ((Get-Content -LiteralPath $_PSCommandPath) | out-string)
    + ~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (out-string:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CouldNotAutoloadMatchingModule

    Press any key to continue . . .

    If anyone can help Id sure appreciate it

  35. Hiiii, so i have a problem and i have no idea how to solve it. Basically whenever i play the game in live mode and give my sims a task such as sleeping or taking a shower, they stand in place and don´t do anything. It shows that they are “sleeping”, but they just stand in place. I´ve a lot of times to somehow get rid of this problem, but i failed each time. i also have this issue for about 10 months and i haven´t been playing since then. I would appriciate, if you could reply. Thank you.

    1. That’s called simulation lag. The game has had this problem for years now. I only play in CAS now but when I had a lower end computer I literally couldn’t play in live mode because the simulation lag was so bad. Maybe delete some CC or mods you don’t need or clear out old saves if you don’t want to get a whole new computer. Or upgrade your RAM.

      1. hey, could you please help me out? I’ve done all the steps but I can’t seem to find the dlcs and all in game, as in, e.g. there is no cat or dog option available in the game even though the game says I own the expansion pack already. nothing has changed in my game. Also I can’t sem to make a comment for some reason.

      2. i’ve tried to delete my old saves and all my mods, but it didn’t help. the computer i’m using right now is 2 years old and i’m not thinking about getting a new one. i also tried clearing my cache, but that also didn’t work. please, if you could respond again or help me i would appreciate it.

  36. Hello! So, Huuuuuuge thanks to everyone who made this thing for us and for free ! Everything working with WIN10 64,Steam,Winrar! THANKS GUYS!

  37. Anyone else have issues with the direct link to the individual packs?
    They’re scammy pop ups and I never can get the download file. I keep having to do the entire 36GB file download and pull out the individual packs after it’s done but it takes forever.

  38. Hello, thank you so much for this tutorial. I have the legit game bu the updater still created a folder with a cracked game (inside the folder of the legit game). Can I delete it?

  39. Hello. I followed all the steps but when I enter the start of the legal game, it tells me “download to use” in all the expansions, and also that I must have “all the sims 4 updates installed”. Also, when I open the program I get a banner that says “Don’t forget to download the DLC files”. Please help. Thank you

      1. Ola uma dúvida eu não tenho o app da ea posso seguir mesmo assim? Eu uso a steam e baixei o the Sims de lá.

      2. hey, could you please help me out? I’ve done all the steps but I can’t seem to find the dlcs and all in game, as in, e.g. there is no cat or dog option available in the game even though the game says I own the expansion pack already. nothing has changed in my game. Also I can’t sem to make a comment for some reason.

    1. Forse hai sbagliato qualche passaggio.
      ti consiglio di seguire un tutorial passo passo e di avviare il gioco in ”offline”

  40. I’ve been using cracked dlcs for quite a while now but recently DLC Unlocker V2 keeps getting deleted on its own and whenever I boot up the Sims my dlcs are absent. I keep having to redownload and update my Sims 4 configurations for dlcs to show up in my game. Is this something to do with the EA app and can this be fixed? x

  41. I’m sorry but wasn’t there a list of which pack is which? like “EP01 = Get to Work, EP02 = Get Together, GP01 = Outdoor Retreat, etc” something like that? Can you please bring it back? It’s REALLY useful for me to know which pack I’ve downloaded and which one I’m about to download.

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