Sims Stories

The Sims Stories download and installation guide

These downloads are exact copies of the original CD’s except for the starting files (LS.exe, PS.exe and CS.exe). These are replaced by a crack

Life Stories

Pet Stories

Castaway Stories

  1. You can download Life Stories from HERE.
  2. Mount the .iso in a virtual CD-drive (don’t know how ? – see HERE)
  3. Once opened click on EA Autorun (not the folder
  4. Insert the installation-code
  5. During installation you see a pop-up with Please wait, just ignore it and wait patiently.
    The program is trying to connect to an outdated page of Electronic Arts ( so you will get a Time-Out message.
    Don’t worry, the installation still continues, see the EA icon in the taskbar at the bottom of your screen.
  6. The crack is built-in
  7. Start the game from either the shortcut-icon on your desktop or from your installation-folder\TSBin\LS.exe


The game starts in a Window, you can switch to full screen in the Game-options.
In case you see black squares beneath your Sim, reduce Shadows from high to normal

  1. You can download Pet Stories from HERE
  2. Mount the .iso in a virtual CD-player (don’t know how ? see HERE)
  3. Once opened click on EA Autorun (not the folder
  4. Insert the installation-code
  5. During installation you see a pop-up with Please wait, just ignore it and wait patiently.
    The program is trying to connect to an outdated page of Electronic Arts ( so you will get a Time-Out message.
    Don’t worry, the installation still continues, see the EA icon in the taskbar at the bottom of your screen.
  6. The crack is built-in
  7. Start the game from either the shortcut-icon on your desktop or from your installation-folder\TSBin\PS.exe


The game starts in a Window, you can switch to full screen in the Game-options.
In case you see black squares beneath your Sim, reduce Shadows from high to normal


  1. You can download Castaway Stories from HERE.
  2. Mount the .iso in a virtual CD-drive (don’t know how ? – see HERE)
  3. Once mounted click on EA Autorun (not the folder Autorun)
  4. Insert the installation-code
  5. During installation you see a pop-up with Please wait, just ignore it and wait patiently.
    The program is trying to connect to an outdated page of Electronic Arts ( so you will get a Time-Out message.
    Don’t worry, the installation still continues, see the EA icon in the taskbar at the bottom of your screen.
  6. The crack is built-in
  7. Start the game from either the shortcut-icon on your desktop or from your installation-folder\TSBin\CS.exe


The game starts in a Window, you can switch to full screen in the Game-options.
In case you see black squares beneath your Sim, reduce Shadows from high to normal

For a walkthrough see this page

These downloads are part of a multiple choice torrent.

  1. Download the torrent
  2. Apply in your torrent client
  3. Select the game(s) required
  4. When you can’t make the selection(s), delete the present torrent by right-clicking on it in your torrent client, select delete (not delete and ..) and re-apply the torrent.

Views: 46973

15 thoughts on “Sims Stories

  1. For those having trouble finding the game. It’s here >>>>
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Electronic Arts\The Sims Castaway Stories\TSBin
    The app is called SimsCS. You can pin it to start or send to desktop for easy access

  2. alleen sims castaway werkt bij mij, sims medieval start niet op en sims levensverhalen start op maar als het scherm met de vakjes komt verdwijnt het.

  3. hey hi, I’ve followed all instructions and downloaded fine however it never loads up to actually run the game. Instead I get an empty pop up error, and once closed nothing else happens.

    have uninstalled and reinstalled 2 different ways also.

  4. it downloaded, but I can’t find it anywhere? it didn’t start the game and didn’t make a shortcut what do i do?

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