The Sims 4: Update, repair, add DLC’s

Download, update, repair your game and add missing DLC’s.

Thanks to Anadius
from base game up-to and incl.  version
“Wizard” Anadius came up with a program enabling you to update and repair your game with just a few mouse-clicks.

No manual downloads, no copy/paste, the program does it all
Only works for 64-bits Windows higher than  Win 7

Download Updater  
Extract the downloaded Updater with Winrar or 
Click on Sims-4-updater-vxx.xx inside the folder (Where xx.xx represents a version number)
Click on Browse and select your The Sims 4 Installation Folder (don’t open it)
Click on Update, this will also repair your game
Language files will be installed if not already present.
With cracked games only, just click No

If you do have a legit game or you are using the pack system, click Yes
In that case an additional folder Game-cracked will be created and you can start your legal game with access to the Gallery via Your legal installation folder ->Game ->Bin ->TS4_x64.exe and you play with your legal DLC’s only.
You can start your cracked game incl. cracked DLC’s via
Your installation folder ->Game-cracked ->Bin ->TS4_x64.exe

You can just update your existing game without adding DLC’s  (Click OK)

The program shows an overview of non-installed DLC’s
(in this example SP21-SP30)

You can Add missing DLC’s
Tick the DLC’s you want to add to your game and click OK

Note for users with 32-bits Windows

Bear in mind that Discover University, Tiny Living, Eco Lifestyle, Nifty Knitting,  Star Wars,  Snowy Escape, Paranormal, the kits and Dream Home Decorator can not be played on 32 bits Windows, so no need to download these DLC’s.

Also note that the Legacy Edition is for 32 bits Windows only



The program is now checking all your installed DLC’s for the latest update and adds the ticked items to your game


Should an error occur, just repeat your last selections. All items already downloaded are stored in the folder Update. The program performs a quick check and continues the task.
(Make sure that the Updater is under the exceptions of your anti-virus)

Where is the base game ?

When you did not install the base game earlier, you should use the Repair option and the base game will be installed as well as your selected DLC’s.
Some people wish to play the fully updated base game without other DLC’s (lack of disk-space or computer not powerful enough ?). In such cases Click Repair and don’t tick other DLC’s.

First of all create a new folder The Sims 4 on your computer. Place that folder under the exceptions of your Anti-Virus program  Lead the updater in the first step to that folder.

Change language

  1. Download the Language Changer
  2. Double-Click on it and select your language
  3. Click Yes, Yes and OK in the pop-up screens.

Possible errors for new users who never played The Sims 4 before

You lost all DLC’s

When you switch from Origin to the new EA app you seemingly lost all your packs.


  1. Re-apply the EA DLC Unlocker
  2. Click on Setup 
  3. Type 5 [enter] to uninstall the old Origin settings (When you get an error, try again)
  4. Type 1 [enter]
  5. Type 2 [enter]
  6. Type 19 [enter]
  7. Type q [enter]

Views: 3976642

930 thoughts on “The Sims 4: Update, repair, add DLC’s

  1. Hi! it doesn’t let me use the construction mode tools when the site is “residential rental complex”. (I can’t assign rooms to different domestic units and separate them by colors).

  2. at the bottom where you view alll the family and you have the phone bit and there aspirations and stuff its now over lapped with colourful shapes and i dont now how to get rid of it. any ideas?

    1. probably a broken mod that needs updated. try removing them one by one and seeing if it fixes the problem. Then updating that mod

    2. i had he same problem and its was a broken cc. Once i removed it, everything was fine. You have to test your mods and cc like 5 by 5 and start the game to see if the problem is gone.

  3. I am playing on Windows 11. I have installed Anadius Updated v1.3.2 and have updated it now with Rent. I am playing with a legit base game.
    For some reason I can’t go worlds or build mode nor save as the game says that it is still in progress of loading even though I have selected a save and started playing on the save. The save plays as usual. I can’t load in another save in-game

    1. Szia. Használsz modokat én nálam akkor csinálta ezt mikor egy mod elavult volt benne. Vedd ki őket és indítsd el nélkülük, ha úgy sem működik, akkor nem tudom, viszont szerintem ott lessz a probléma.

  4. Bonjour, tout d’abord merci et felicitation pour cet excellent travail ! J’ai téléchargé le DLC “À Louer”, et il s’avère qu’en démarant le jeu, le pack est bien présent, mais est representé avec une illustration de lama. En cliquant sur le pack,rien n’y figure, hormis les éléments. Il semblerait que le pack ait un problème.
    J’ai enlevé les mods …
    Suis-je seule à rencontrer ce problème ?
    Je vous remercie 🙂

  5. Bonjour !
    J’ai installé depuis hier soir l’extension « A Louer » mais une fois en jeu je n’ai pas accès au monde de Tomarang et je ne peux pas louer d’appartements ni avoir accès au bail..
    Pourtant en mode construction j’ai bien mes délimitations de chaque appartements etc.

    Quelqu’un pour m’aider s’il vous plaît ?

    1. Ce code d’erreur est dû à des mods incorrects.
      A chaque nouvelle mise à jour, il y a de fortes chances que certains mods posent problème

  6. Could anybody help me out? I have the updater and the dlc unlocker. I’ve been using these tools for half a year now so I know how they work. But ever since the for rent pack came out my game says pack download in progress even though it shows owned on the menu. How can I fix this?

  7. bonjour pouvez-vous m’aider s’il vous plait ?
    pour mes sims au lacement de mon jeux sa me met code erreur 122:502fc384:399a2917 et j’ai déjà essayer de le réparer mais rien y fait…

    1. Ce code d’erreur est dû à des mods incorrects.
      A chaque nouvelle mise à jour, il y a de fortes chances que certains mods posent problème

    1. yes, here’s how to proceed :

      1. go in your “Electronic Arts” file
      2. next in the “sims 4” file
      3. and then you go in your “mods” file

    2. coucou, il te suffit dans ton dossier “Les sims 4” de crée un sous dossier “mods” et dedans tu y ajoutes tes mods et tes cc😃

  8. Hi, I just updated my game with the most recent updater (version, and I keep getting the same error message when I try to save the game.
    “The game failed to save. Error Code: 403:8717c2e9:b7f2b75c.”
    I tried the repair button and also cleared the cache but the error message still pops up and I can’t save my game.
    Please help, thank you!!

  9. Help! This is the second time an update has caused me to lose all of my Free packs from the updater. I uninstalled Sims, reinstalled it, and reran the updater, but the packs still aren’t showing up in my game. Do I have to reinstall the updater? How do I get those packs back??

    1. try the ea DLC unlocker.
      for me it worked..
      Re-apply the EA DLC Unlocker
      Click on Setup
      Type 5 [enter] to uninstall the old Origin settings (When you get an error, try again)
      Type 1 [enter]
      Type 2 [enter]
      Type 19 [enter]
      Type q [enter]

    2. try the ea DLC unlocker.
      for me it worked.. 🙂
      Re-apply the EA DLC Unlocker
      Click on Setup
      Type 5 [enter] to uninstall the old Origin settings (When you get an error, try again)
      Type 1 [enter]
      Type 2 [enter]
      Type 19 [enter]
      Type q [enter]

  10. I have the for rent pack but it doesn’t show up in the game and I tried almost everything. Can you maybe help me with it?

      1. I figured out it was the my mods folder because when I took it out the world loaded at first it would just be a blank white screen when I tried to go to tomerani

  11. Bonjour, depuis l’installation de “a louer” le jeu ne se lance plus. Il charge mais n’accède pas au foyer. Il me remet systématiquement sur les monde. J’ai également de “Tomarang”. Est ce qu’il y a d’autres personnes dans mon cas et qu’elle est la solution svp ? J’ai déjà supprimé et télécharger a nouveau l’Ep….

    1. I removed my mods folder and then it worked. I was having the same problem i have all the packs but when i try to enter my gameplay, It does not let me access my house and puts me back in the world…but now evrything is sort out.

  12. Hi! The For Rent pack and Home Chef hustle stuff pack show just as a blue screen and they don’t show in the actual game. like when I want to filter clothes or objects When I select them it shows that I already own this pack.

  13. You are amazing! And I need your about me to be longer. It says your 80 years young! when did you start playing sims? have you always been computer savy? do you still enjoy playing ? do you have mods? Anyway thank you!!!!!!

    1. It wasn’t even out when you commented. He then has to download and install it and add it to the updater. You expect him to travel through time or something?

  14. please I really need HELP!!!
    Download failed for DLC [EP01] Get to Work 1. Try again, and if you still get this error message try the solutions below. If they don’t help either, try the rest of the solutions from the FAQ.

    Use a VPN as the FAQ says. Browser VPN has no effect on the Updater! If you still see this error – make sure your internet connection is OK and your anti-virus and firewall don’t block this program. And make sure they don’t block “aria2c.exe” either, that’s what this program uses for downloading.

    1. I have the same issue, have you managed to fix it yet? I tried redoing everything and its all gone now. I am exhausted!!

      1. Unfortunately no!
        I even deleted and reinstalled everything and it still doesn’t work…
        Every time there is a new update for the game the updater stops working and causes a lot of problems and I still haven’t found any solution. If you manage to find a solution, I would appreciate it if you let me know!!!!

  15. by accident i deleted the updater what do i? i can’t find it and the one it says to download is something wtrong whith it

  16. Hey,
    I am playing on MacBook. I have all of the packs installed but I can’t access the worlds from growing together, horse ranch and etc.

    1. First copy the “mods” folder and your “saves” folder and put it seprate in a different place than the gamefolder you might delete. This might keep you from losing every mod and saved game.

      1. Try repairing with the updater on here.
      2. if this doesn’t work, try to start the game without mods.
      3. If this doesn’t work try to start the game without any of the packs except those 2 you want (so delete every pack, you can with the updater on here).
      4. if that doesn’t work try deleting the whole game and re-install the game.
      I think you can do it with th updater but i am not sure,you can do it with origin, but make sure everything is gone, also gone from your onedrive. Only keep the copy of the mods folder and the saved folder.

      1. oh shit what if i didnt move the folders and mods are not showing any options to fix it without redownloading all mods? all options in game are turned on so I really dont know what to do

    Download failed for Full Patch 32. Try again, and if you still get this error message try the solutions below. If they don’t help either, try the rest of the solutions from the FAQ.

    Use a VPN as the FAQ says. Browser VPN has no effect on the Updater! If you still see this error – make sure your internet connection is OK and your anti-virus and firewall don’t block this program. And make sure they don’t block “aria2c.exe” either, that’s what this program uses for downloading.

    Read the FAQ in “updater_readme.txt” for other possible solutions.
    To resume the update – close the Updater and open it again.

    Download failed for Full Patch 32. Try again, and if you still get this error message try the solutions below. If they don’t help either, try the rest of the solutions from the FAQ.

    Use a VPN as the FAQ says. Browser VPN has no effect on the Updater! If you still see this error – make sure your internet connection is OK and your anti-virus and firewall don’t block this program. And make sure they don’t block “aria2c.exe” either, that’s what this program uses for downloading.

    Read the FAQ in “updater_readme.txt” for other possible solutions.
    To resume the update – close the Updater and open it again.

    What do now?

  19. I deleted it then re-downloaded it to update but it often goes like this after reboot

    Can’t hash “E:\Program\EA Games\The Sims 4\EP01\ClientFullBuild0.package” file. Make sure your anti-virus doesn’t block this program.
    If that doesn’t help reboot your PC and try copying that file somewhere else (doesn’t matter where). If you can copy the file – reset file permissions (see the readme file). If you can’t copy the file – delete it, since it’s corrupted anyway.

  20. this shit fucking error keeps popping up and i HAVE tried literally everything. everything. nothing seems to work. please god help

    Can’t hash “C:\Users\RD Pontus\Downloads\The.Sims.4.v1.90.375.1020.Incl.ALL.DLC\The.Sims.4.v1.90.375.1020.Incl.ALL.DLC\The.Sims.4.v1.90.375.1020.Incl.ALL.DLC\Delta\EP02\Worlds\Areas\” file. Make sure your anti-virus doesn’t block this program.
    If that doesn’t help reboot your PC and try copying that file somewhere else (doesn’t matter where). If you can copy the file – reset file permissions (see the readme file). If you can’t copy the file – delete it, since it’s corrupted anyway.

    Read the FAQ in “updater_readme.txt” for other possible solutions.
    To resume the update – close the Updater and open it again.

  21. hello, I have installed the game all correctly, and when I played for the first time it went really well, but when I closed and tried to play it again, it says that an error have happened, smtg like ”the execution of the code can´t go on because it couldn’t find anadius64.DLL”

    1. Find where your game is installed, you can find it easy by right clicking on your game and look for the file location, then you need to go back 2 folder to the “the sims 4” folder and find the game cracked folder, that’s where you need to play from now on, i hope this might help…

  22. I followed all the steps but when I get to the ‘browse’ part to actually select my game I can’t find it. I know the exact folder etc and it appears when I check in disk D, but with the updater it’s nowhere to be found. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?

  23. when i download the updater file it downloads a weird program called “proinstaller” or something like that and it won’t let me open the updater (i’ve downloaded the updater before but it wasn’t like this even though i’m doing everything the same way i did when i downloaded it last time

  24. Hoping for some help. I’ve downloaded the updater. Downloaded a majority of the DLC using the updater but, when it attempts to finish, it always says it was unable to download full patch 32. I went through and manually downloaded the latest patch and even the crack in my attempts to fix this but again its not doing anything. Please, any help would be appreciated.

  25. For some reason I cant download the sims 4 updater and I have no clue why each time i try it says the page doesnt exist is there an update going on?

  26. Hello, I can’t change my username. Normally you go to anadius.cfg and change “Username” (line 32) but it won’t work.

  27. Everything worked perfectly and my game is running as expected. BUT the mod folder disappeared after using the updater? And the weird thing is that one of my mods is still active in the game while I can’t find the files among my game files??? I’ve tried searching for everything I could think of and I just can’t find the folder or any of the mod files

  28. Hi, I have a problem with my downloaded data. When i downloaded some packs and kits they all worked when I loaded the game through the sims 4 updater, but when i load the game normally (not through the updater) it does’nt work. When i download some things and after the downloading there is the button to start playing and when i click it, everything works, but when i dont download anything and i load the game normally like i just click on “The Sims 4”, it shows me that i dont own anything from what i downloaded. Do you know what to do with that?

    1. From Above:
      You can start your cracked game incl. cracked DLC’s via
      Your installation folder ->Game-cracked ->Bin ->TS4_x64.exe

      What this (essentially) means, is the program is creating a second “version” or “copy” of the game that contains all of the things you’ve just downloaded, and to access that content, you will have to launch the game from the TS4_x64.exe file and not the EA launcher.

      To make it easier to find again, you can create a desktop shortcut to the TS4_x64.exe file and run it from there.

  29. Been using this for months and i have never had a problem before but when i went to open the cracked game before it tells me to update my game via origin but it is updated through the EA app but i don’t use origin.

    1. Czemu jak chce wejść w simsy shakowane niby się otwierają ale zaraz wyskakuje czarny ekran i wyrzuca mnie na pulpit i tak cały czas w ogóle nie pokazuje ładowania gry

      1. Dlaczego jak chce wejść w simsy shakowane później się niby otwierają, ale zaraz wyskakuje mi czarny ekran i wyrzuca mnie na pulpit i tak cały czas w ogóle nie pokazuje się ekran ładowania

  30. Hello, I’m trying to download the sims updater 1.2.3, I’m trying to download it but when I try to open it, my computer says that it detected a virus.
    There is a solution for that that does not detect any virus

    1. Because there is. I tried and made a huge mistake. I Had to remove it all day and it was a pain in the ass.

      For those who stumble upon this site:


      EXE is bundled with VIRUSES: Pinaview, Altruistic Service, OneBrowser, etc. (it may differ to yours).

      1. As the updater contains files unknown to your anti-virus, such files will be classified as virus/trojans.
        This a false positive warning, so just ignore it.
        When your anti-virus has put the file in quarantine, get it back and allow it.

  31. theres something wrong with everything ive downloaded recently (all packs/kits post high school years). all of the items show up in my game, but it says theyre base game. when i go to the packs tab they show up as blue boxes, but when i click view it shows me the pack and says i own it. everything from the packs except for the worlds are in my game. ive asked about this before but have never received a response. does anyone know what to do??

    1. same here, moreover, after running game from the Unlocker, I’m logged as Anadius.
      High School doesn’t work properly – I don’t get a pop-up if I wish to go to school with my Sim.

  32. Tried downloading again, computer said there was a trojan virus attached to it so you might wanna get that fixed.

  33. Hi! I am unable to run the updater because with the most recent version I get a virus warning. I’ve noticed people saying to disable security but my antivirus system has it flagged as a very serious threat so I am a little apprehensive to install it. Can we get any info on this?

  34. Hello, when I tried downloading this it said that I had all the packs, but I couldn’t use them because I needed a DLC un-locker. I have no clue how to download the un-locker, from videos I have seen demonstrating how to download they never say anything about an un-locker… please help.

  35. Hello, tried to download the newest updater from Anadius, and my pc removed it cause it apparently had a virus in it. It also said that the threat was pretty serious so I don’t know if I want to download it again… Fix it?

  36. Quelqu’un peut m’aider? Quand j’installe le programme tout vas bien, il apparaît dans mes téléchargements, mais quand je vais (extraire ici) le dossier qui télécharge les pack craqué disparait, je ne le trouve nul part 🙁
    j’ai essayé de tout désinstallé mais c’est toujours la même chose…

    1. Your firewall is assuming it’s a virus and is quarantining the application. You need to disable windows defender, then extract the contents of the folder and run it.

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