Sims 4 Change language

How to change the language of The Sims 4

Language files in general

Please bear in mind that when you installed the game via Origin or ZLOrigin only 1 language is available, meaning that when you installed in English you cannot change to f.e. Norwegian.
In such cases you’ll have to re-install the game in Norwegian in (ZL)Origin.
Also downloads from many other sources are often in 1 language only (such as English or Spanish)
All our downloads already contain all the available languages.

Simple way of installing all 18 languages in one go

Instead of re-installing the game via Origin
Download the Language Files, extract with Winrar and copy all corresponding folders to your installation folder such as Program Files\The Sims 4 or
in case of genuine Origin downloads C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 4.

Most languages create a new folder like The Sims 4, Die Sims 4, Los Sims 4, de Sims 4 etc. in the folder Documents\Electronic Arts, and you might lose your previously created Houses, Sims aso.
Copy your folders Saves and Tray to the newly created folder.

   After a language change first start your game as an Administrator

Another method to install all languages and at the same time update your game to the latest version

Use the Anadius Updater

That program installs all 17 languages, updates your game to the latest version, lets you choose which additional DLC’s you want to install.
Extremely simple, everything will be done for you. No torrents, no direct download, just a few mouse-clicks required.

Change Language

Depending on your highest installed DLC (as per table below)

Version or higher
Use Method 1

GP06 Jungle Adventures If Method 1 failed


Use Method 2

SP13 Laundry Day Stuff
EP04 Cats & Dogs
SP12 Toddler Stuff
SP11 Fitness Stuff
GP05 Parenthood
SP10 Bowling Stuff
GP04 Vampires
SP09 Vintage Glamour Stuff
SP08 Backyard Stuff
SP07 Kids Room Stuff
SP06 Romantic Garden Stuff
SP05 Movie Hangout Stuff
SP04 Spooky Stuff
GP03 Dine Out
EP03 City Living
EP02 Get Together If Method 1 failed


Use Method 3

SP04 Spooky Stuff
SP03 Cool Kitchen Stuff
SP02 Perfect Patio Stuff
SP01 Luxury Party Stuff
GP02 Spa Day (Wellness)
GP01 Outdoor Retreat
EP01 Get to Work
FP01 Holiday Celebration Stuff
Base Game

Method 1 (Original and Pirated games)

When you have all languages installed, download the Language Changer, double-click and select your language.
In our downloads all languages are already installed.
You can activate the Language-changer from anywhere on your computer, no specific folder required.

Method 2 (Pirated games only)

In these versions of The Sims 4 you can’t change the language in the computer’s register as it will be overruled by the settings in RldOrigin.ini when you start the game.

It’s very simple:

  1. Open the folder The Sims 4 in Program Files
  2. Open the folder Game ->Bin
  3. Open the file RldOrigin.ini with f.e. Notepad
  4. Change the line Language= with the code for your desired language, such as it_IT for Italian. (Language=it_IT) – see list of language-codes at the bottom of this page.
  5. Save the amended file
  6. Start your game as an Administrator every time you’ve changed a language.

Note: Most languages create a new folder The Sims 4, Die Sims 4, Los Sims 4 etc. in the folder Documents\Electronic Arts, so you might lose your previously created Houses, Sims aso.
When necessary, copy your folders Saves and Tray to the newly created folder.


In the above picture, language is set to Dutch (nl_NL)

Method 3 (Pirated games only)

  1. Open the folder The Sims 4 in Program Files
  2. Open the folder Game ->Bin
  3. Open the file RldOrigin.ini with f.e. Notepad
  4. Create a new line between  [Origin] and  Languages=cs_CZ,da_DK,de_DE,en_US,es_ES,fi_FI,fr_FR,it_IT,ja_JP,ko_KR,nl_NL,no_NO,pl_PL,pt_BR,ru_RU,sv_SE,zh_TW
  5. Add Language=(code of your desired language)
  6. Add a new line just above Flags=1:  Add: LanguageHKLM=Software\Maxis\The Sims 4\Locale
  7. The file now should look like this (Language here set to Dutch)


Save RldOrigin.ini and start your game the first time as an Administrator

You can select another language in the line Language=
such as Language=pt_BR for Portuguese
You’ll find a complete list of all language-codes at the bottom of this page

Cannot save the amended file rldorigin.ini

Saving an amended RldOrigin.ini can sometimes be prohibited.
In that case:

  1. Go to your install folder The Sims 4 .
  2. Rightclick on the folder Game
  3. Select Properties
  4. Remove the tick at Read-only
  5. Click Apply and OK

Now you can save the amended file.


Alternative method (Pirated games only)

When none of the above methods change the language:

  1. Download the latest folder Game, extract with Winrar
  2. Delete your existing folder Game from your installation-folder
  3. Copy your downloaded and extracted folder Game to your installation-folder
  4. Download the latest dlc-toggler, extract with Winrar and place both files in the root of your installation-folder
  5. Click on dlc-toggler, remove ticks on all items marked in red (if any)
  6. Perform method 1

Language codes for methods 2 and 3:



































Views: 189989

5 thoughts on “Sims 4 Change language

  1. I used the language changer to make my game use English (rather than czech/polish/russian) but when I launch the game I get the “the current user is not entitled to run the sims 4 in the installed language” error. How do I make it go away? I have all the required language strings cause I used the updater.

    1. So I know what caused it now but still no idea how to fix it. installing so I can keep using origin is the culprit. Is there any way to make those two play nicely or do I need to choose between the language changer on ea app or no language changer on origin?

      1. I had the same problem, Orion, and I am using the EA app. So I don’t think it is that. I don’t know of a way around it, unfortunately. I’m in the UK and the only language that EA let us play in is English, which is ridiculous, as we are very multi cultural. I just want to play in German to improve my language learning, so it’s not the end of the world, but I feel sorry for people whose first language isn’t English, who would like to play in their own language. On the EA UK Sims 4 store page it suggests it can be played in many languages, but it can’t.

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